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The Boryviter Foundation cooperates with volunteer groups and the military in different parts of Ukraine in order to provide aid where it is most needed now.

Tactical medicine

First aid on the battlefield is a vital thing. That is why we help the military and tactical medicine instructors in providing the necessary means for this - tourniquets, medicine bags and other useful things.

Humanitarian aid

Our team, together with other volunteer groups, helps deliver food and basic necessities to people in the recently de-occupied territories. The latest destinations of our volunteers are Chernihiv region, Donetsk region and Mykolaiv region.

Aid to the military of Armed Forces of Ukraine

Our defenders in various areas of hostilities now need things that will help them in their work and make their life more comfortable in the harsh conditions of war. These are chemical heaters, warm clothes, sleeping bags and much more.

Aid for hospitals and military medics

A separate area of work is assistance to hospitals and military medics. In the conditions of war, such non-obvious, at first glance, things like cough suppressants or an otoscope also help save people's health and lives, because we all understand that war is a long-term thing.

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